Editing a campaign - adding a new column to your data import

Editing a campaign - adding a new column to your data import

Quick trick:  In campaigns click list view then edit your required campaign.  Drag in your file containing the new column.  Complete the campaign setup process.
To add a new column to your campaign, first edit the sample file to include the required column.  Once you drop this into the edit screen of the campaign you will be able to remap your campaign template to include the new column.  

1) Click into Campaigns, click list view, locate the campaign you wish to alter and click the pencil to edit.  Click UPDATE CAMPAIGN.

2) Drag your edited sample file into the box.  This sample file should be named the same as it will be for the live file and contain the new column you wish to import.

3) You are now shown the Import Timetable screen, update as required and click UPDATE IMPORT SCHEDULE.

4) Your column headings will have pulled through, if you need to alter the field names you can do so under the Target column.  Select the Type of each field.  Most fields can be set to Data.  You will need to set the field that contains the phone number or ID you want to send to as one of the ID types e.g. if you are sending SMS set the field that contains the mobile number to type = Phone Number.  Click Generate Preview.

The field that you tag as CustomerID will appear in your data export.

If you have used fields within your bots, use the same name here
Click through to the scheduler, then select the blue schedule calendar

Tick the days you want to send your bots.  Then set the start and end times, the bot you are sending and the rate per minute.  Once that's all done click CREATE SCHEDULE.

Click COMPLETE IMPORT & SCHEDULE CREATION.  You have now finished updating your campaign to include the new column.

To test the daily campaign you'll need to drag and drop a test file in.  Click on the list view, locate your campaign and click the orange upload arrow.

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