Inactive Queues

Inactive Queues

Quick Trick: Toggle the queue to inactive within the queue screen to prevent users and bots being able to move conversations into that queue.

Users cannot move conversations into an inactive queue from the conversations screen. Trying to do this will result in nothing happening, and the conversation will remain in its current queue.

If a bot reaches a move to queue step but that queue is inactive then the bot will not move the conversation. It will remain in the queue that it is currently in and the bot will progress to the next step as normal.

Attempting to use the "move to queue" API endpoint with an inactive queue will result in a HTTP 400 response with a message saying that the account cannot access the queue.

An inactive queue will still be selectable in the conversation window. If a queue is set to inactive while there are still conversations within it, those conversations will remain in the inactive queue. You can still select this queue within the conversation window and can move conversations from this queue into another queue (as long as that other queue is active).

Step 1

Click into Queues.  If you don't have access to queues please contact your system administrator. You will see a list of all queues within your organisation.  Click into the queue you want to make inactive.

Step 2
Click the Active toggle, this will toggle to grey, marking the queue as inactive.  

Step 3

Scroll down and click Update Queue.  Your queue is now inactive. 

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