How To Setup A Webhook

How To Setup A Webhook


A webhook is a way for one application to provide other applications with real-time information. It allows for a server-side application to send a message to another application when a specific event occurs, without the need for the receiving application to continuously poll for new data.
A simple example of a webhook would be an e-commerce site that sends a notification to a shipping company's system as soon as an order is placed. When a customer places an order on the e-commerce site, the site's server sends a message to the shipping company's server through the webhook, providing the necessary details (e.g. shipping address) for the shipping company to process the order.
Using Webio's webhook you can configure your endpoints within your Webio organisation to post or retrieve data.
Webhook can be used to enrich bots inbound conversations with real-time account information or post back events for you to update your internal systems. 
Some bots require data from your system in real-time.  This can be used to enrich inbound conversations with account data, include real-time information within your conversation flows or post back events for you to update your internal systems.  You can now configure multiple endpoints within your Webio organisation, choose which events each endpoint subscribes to and test those connections during the setup process. 

How To Setup A Webhook

To identify the request as originating from Webio, first use the API to generate a JWT token
To configure a webhook for your Organization, from the integration panel scroll down until you find the 'Add Webhook' button and click it.

You should see the box below. Enter the Callback URL you want us to connect to and click which events you will subscribe to. A Callback URL is a URL provided by the receiving application, and acts as a destination for the webhook to send the event data. 

Webio has 5 standard webhooks available for you to subscribe to, 4 post requests and 1 get request.
Post requests:
  • Inbound messages - Message details and content of an inbound message received to a channel id assigned to your organisation.
  • Message Send - A message status update to confirm a message state has moved from pending to sent.
  • Delivery Report - A message status update to confirm a message state has moved from a sent status to an outcome status.
  • Payment - Confirmation details of any successful payment made via WebioPay will be returned to your endpoint.

Get request:

  • This requests information from your system to update values used within the bot webhook fields <<>>
Custom Value Request:
  • Webio will send a request to the endpoint configured within your organisation.  The request will contain the Customer ID (this is a null value for inbound initiated conversations), the channel id (e.g. phone number) and the field names of the parameters requested. This can be used to update message content with real time information such as current balance requests, or provide data that the bot can use for identification and verification.
To test the connection, from the integration panel, scroll down to the webhook section, find the webhook you just created and click 'Test'.

Webio provides you 5 tests that can be run from the organization screen. Select the test you wish to run from the drop down menu.

To add custom values into your bots via the Webhook, insert the <<fieldname>> where you want them to appear.  This can be within the message content or within the Logical Branch condition step.  
For custom value retrieval only one Webhook endpoint can be used per organisation.

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