Message Outcomes

Message Outcomes

When a message is sent through Webio you can view the message progress on the conversation screen and through reports. 

Message outcomes are:

0  - Delivered - The message has been delivered to the handset
1  - Invalid - This number is permanently invalid
2  - Unavailable - There is an issue with the mobile number or handset
3  - Network error - There is an issue with the network
5  - Expired - The message did not deliver within the validity period
6  - Invalid message structure - The message is expecting a custom value that isn't available. 
7  - Invalid contact structure - The contact doesn't have the expected data available.
9  - Overrun - The message was not sent before the schedule's end time. 
10 - Blocklisted - The message was sent as they were on your organisation blocklist
11 - Profanity - The message was blocked from being sent as content within it was identified as being a potential profanity
12 - Rejected - There was an issue with either the message or request
14 - Unconfirmed - The gateway or network have not confirmed the message has sent or delivered

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