New Releases

New Releases

This article will be continuously updated with the latest release information.  

11/09/24 - Insights for Queue Management and Agent Activity

The insight for the agent activity by hour and the queue management are now available on your Insights tab. 

Agent Activity by Hour shows you agent activity throughout the day, allowing you to plan and manage resource.  To take a look, click into Logged Agents and scroll.  Here you will see a visual showing the messages sent per hour.  This can be filtered to only show specific agents if you need to.  This uses cached data refreshed every 15 minutes. 

Click on Live Queue Management in Insights to check on unanswered conversations in your queues.  This is live data and will update each time you click into the visual.  We apply groupings to the time to make it easier to read.  You can also apply the filters as required e.g. you could filter to just show anything over x amount of time.  

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