Sharing Bots

Sharing Bots

Sharing your Bots within your Webio organisation structure gives you flexibility to maintain and send bots to meet your business need.  Advisors can send Bots from within the conversation and colleagues can take responsibility for updating the Bots you have shared to them.

Sharing your Bots

You can share a bot to any sub/child organisation.  This is an organisation that you can see when you click onto the organisation screen.

To get started go to your Bots and select the Share button.

You will see a list of all the Bots available to you.  Select the Bot you want to share and click NEXT.
List of Bots
Select the organisation you want to share the Bot to and click NEXT.

Your bot will now be available to users of that organisation.

Sending Bots to a conversation

Any bots, that have built within or shared to your organisation are available to send to individual conversations.  

To see available Bots, select the orange conversation bubbles, next to SEND 

Select the Bot you want to send from the list available and it will be sent to the conversation.

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