Sharing Bots
Sharing your Bots within your Webio organisation structure gives you flexibility to maintain and send bots to meet your business need. Advisors can send Bots from within the conversation and colleagues can take responsibility for updating the Bots ...
Listening Steps To Gather Data
Listening steps can be used to gather responses and store them in either Data fields or in Customer ID fields. If you store the response as a Customer ID then that value will display in the conversation screen and in reports and webhooks where the ...
Inherited settings - child/sub organisations
When a new organisation is created, it inherits certain settings from its Parent organisation. The inherited settings are those from the Organisation screen: Locale Timezone Login Attempts Session Timeout User Roles WhatsApp Templates From a parent ...
Using webhooks within your bots
Webhooks allow you to use real time information within your Webio bots. This can be used to provide up to date information within the conversation or to configure logic decisions within your bot based on information provided from your internal ...
Voice Messages - WhatsApp
Webio now supports inbound Voice Messages within your WhatsApp conversations. Customers can now send you voice messages, these will be displayed in your conversation screen and can be played directly from within the conversation or downloaded. 1) ...
Webio Conversations - Sending Attachments And PDF Links
Conversations often require documents to be sent to customers to ensure they receive the required information. From your conversation screen you can now add attachments to be sent with your messages across WhatsApp. Quick Trick: Click the paper ...
Editing a campaign - adding a new column to your data import
Quick trick: In campaigns click list view then edit your required campaign. Drag in your file containing the new column. Complete the campaign setup process. To add a new column to your campaign, first edit the sample file to include the required ...
Dashboard Filtering
Quick Trick: To apply filters to your dashboards, select the dashboard you want and then add the filter. Adding filters to your dashboards enables you to view performance of specific Organisations (Teams) or Users (Agents). To add a filter to a ...
Sending a message
Quick Tip: Click into the conversation you want to reply to, type your message and click Send or hit enter. You are able to reply to a conversation by clicking into the conversation screen. You can scroll through the queues you have access to and ...
Logging in to Webio
Quick Tip: go to, enter your username and password, click login To login to Webio, you must first have a Webio user account. If you do not have one, contact your Webio administrator. If your organisation doesn't use Webio ...
Message User Stamp
Quick Trick: Within conversation screen view the username against each outbound message sent. Managing customers conversations just became a lot easier. Within the conversation history you can now see which user sent each message and who is currently ...
Setting A Conversation Status
Set a status either from within the conversation pane, by clicking on the 3 dots in the left hand view, clicking set status then selecting the status you want or alternatively have a bot set the status as required through using a Set Status step type ...