Dialogflow V2 Setup

Dialogflow V2 Setup

DialogFlow agents can be integrated with your Webio organisation to utilise natural language understanding to identify the intent of a response, and use this intent to progress the conversation journey. Integrate each of your dialogflow agents to your Webio organisation to make them available to your bots.

Quick trick: Generate your JSON key for your dialogflow agent service account, then paste this key into your organisation screen, by selecting Integrations, Dialogflow V2.

Google Dialogflow ES (Global)

If you don't already have a Google DialogFlow account, you can login with your google account at https://dialogflow.cloud.google.com/#/login.  Once logged in, create a new agent, add your intents and for each intent add a few training phrases that would mean this intent.  You're now ready to link to your DialogFlow agent to your Webio organisation. 

Linking Your DialogFlow Agent To Your Webio Organisation

Generating The Key

Before you can use your DF agent within a bot, it first needs to be integrated with your Webio organisation.  This is done using the JSON key for your agent.  To generate the key, within DialogFlow click the settings icon next to your agent name.  

You will see the Google Project ID highlighted in blue.  In the screenshot below it is webio-yes-no.  Click on this and you will be taken through to your project on the Google Cloud Platform.

In the Navigation menu, select IAM & Admin and then Service Accounts

Select Create a Service Account and complete the Service account name and description, select Create and Continue. 

The role you need to add is the Dialogflow API Admin. Click Continue and Done.

You can now generate the key you require.  For the service account you have just created, click into the actions dots and choose manage keys.  Under Add a Key, choose Create New Key, make sure it is on JSON and click create. 

Copy the entire key from the first { to the last }.  All of this needs to be pasted into your Webio organisation screen. 

Completing The Integration

To complete the integration please follow this link Integrating A DialogFlow Agent (webio.com)
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