Set up a chat widget for your website, or simply provide your customers with a channel (SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger or Viber) they can reach out.
Thanks to Inbound Campaigns, your Bots can greet visitors, answer questions, and guide them through the required conversation journey to collect customer data's and preferences and also act like a lead magnet.

To get a webchat channel assigned to your Organization, please get in touch with
support@webio.comSet up Inbound Campaigns
Before you create an inbound campaign, make sure you've already built a Bot that can operates it.
Your Bot must must waits for a customer input (E.G. Listening Step) and then guides them through the conversation flow as required.
here a few examples of inbound Bots.

To get a webchat channel assigned to your organization please get in touch with
You can only have 1 inbound campaign live , even if the channel that the campaign is using belongs to multiple organisations. The latest updated campaign is considered the live one, any new inbound conversations are assigned to it.

If you are testing your inbound campaign and you don't receive any message back, search for the testing number, check if there's any open conversation with it, close the conversation, then re-test.
Inbound Campaign configuration
Once your Bot is ready, let's see how it is possible to set up an Inbound Campaign in minutes.
(Full Screen)

Please note:
- An Inbound Campaign, does not require a Campaign Template File upload to run like Once-Off and Daily Campaign. This means that you can't compare values gathered from customers with your records (ID&V processes), unless your Organization has an active Webhook integration to retrieve real-time values from your internal system.
Edit campaign and assign a new Bot
If you want to edit the Campaign configuration, including the Bot assigned to the Campaign or its schedule or both, or if you have applied changes to the assigned Bot and you want the latest changes reflected onto the Campaign:
Find the Campaign through the search bar, then click the drop down arrow button to access campaign schedules details.
You will see the original bot schedule (projected) and the status of the current one (processing). Click the EDIT button to assign a new Bot.
You can now edit the Campaign's and configure a new schedule, that will override the previous one including the Bot assigned to it.

Please note that this action will override the ongoing schedule and cannot be undone.
Once you are happy, simply click CREATE.
Your current schedule will stop and the new one will start with the changes you have just applied.
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