Webio Reporting

Webio Reporting

Webio provides you with a selection of exports and MI reports to allow you to audit and understand your conversations.  

Quick Trick - To access Reports, log in, click reports and then select the report you wish to run.
This documentation covers the Reports section on our Old UI. If you are looking for our new Web App reporting system please visit Insights (webio.com)

Report names explained.

Reports are grouped by the type of information they contain, the first three numbers are the group the report belongs to.

001 is for data exports 
002 is for agent performance
003 is for campaign performance
004 is for queue performance
005 is for conversations performance
006 is for opt outs
007 is for conversation journey performance
008 is for organisational activity
009 is for organisational activity by month
010 is for failed communications

The subject of the report is then described directly after the number.  This will let you know what the report is about. 

The final part of the name lets you know what level the data is reported at.  This will either be message, conversation, channel, campaign, schedule, queue, status, day, or month. 

Message - reporting at the message level, a message is either an outbound or inbound communication, a conversation can contain just one or multiple messages.

Conversation - a container for all the messages and actions that make up the conversation.  A conversation Id links all these messages and actions together. These reports are at the conversation level, meaning that however many messages or actions are involved there will be just one conversation Id. 

Channel - Webio conversations can happen across any of your active channels.  Reports at the channel level show activity for each channel, such as SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger, Viber, Webchat etc.

Campaign - Campaigns can be inbound, outbound, daily once-off or quick.  These are set up in your campaign screen and contain your conversation rules such as when messages can be sent, which bot should be used and how long conversations continue before expiring. 

Schedule - Schedules are created every time data is uploaded to an outbound campaign or each time the campaign is updated for an inbound campaign.  

Queue - within your organisation queues allow you to sort conversations into different queues enabling you to control access and distribution methods.  Conversations can be placed into queues manually from the conversation screen or through a bot configuration.  All conversations sit within a queue at all times.  When a conversation is created it sits within your organisation's default queue, this isn't visible on the front end but conversations can still be viewed using the search and in reports.  All other queues are visible in your conversation screen and reporting.  

Status - Conversations have a status.  This starts as Ongoing but can be updated to any status you have available to your organisation, either manually in the conversation screen, or by a configuration in your bot.  The status is always current.

Day - reports for the day, will have one line per day's activity when ran across multiple days.  Certain fields however will always be current such as whether a conversation is open or closed and a conversations status. 

Reports Available

001_Data Export_conversation
Data export of conversations created within the selected date range. 
Time in UTC

Org Id
The ID of the organisation the conversation belongs to128
Conversation Id
Unique identifier for conversation within Webio32499436
Date that the conversation was created in the format yyyy-mm-dd2021-12-07
Date and time that the conversation was created in the format yyyy/mm/dd h:mm AM/PM7/12/21 10:48 AM
Last Action Time
Date and time that the conversation last had an action, this can be a message in or out or an action such as setting a status, the format is yyyy/mm/dd h:mm AM/PM10/12/21 6:23 PM
Last Actioned By
The name of the user that took the last action 
The current status set against the conversation
Whether the conversation is open, closed or in errorOpen

The following report was previously named 001_ Daily Data Export

001_Data Export_message
Data export of messages created within the selected date range
Time in Local Time

Name of campaign as set by User
Webio Weekly
Schedule name, made up of Campaign name and date reference
Webio Weekly-2019-03-25
Organisation that created campaign
Sent By
Username that created campaign
Current status of conversation
Channel used for communication
Sms channel
ChannelID message sent to/received from
Date that the message was sent
4/11/19 10:48 a
Whether this was an inbound or outbound message
Content of the message
Convo Id
Unique identifier for conversation within Webio
Customer ID
User provided field, type set to Customer ID within Import
ID that message is sent from
Name of bot used within Campaign
Whether this was sent by an agent or an automated bot, if it is inbound it will show as null

002_Agent Answer Time
Answer time in minutes between inbounds and outbounds
Time in UTC

Org IdThe if of the organization 128
Conversation IdThe unique id for the conversation 123abc456def
DateThe date and time the message was sent/received26/04/22 14:22
Answer Time in minsThe response time in minutes32
ModeWhether the message was inbound or sent by an agentagent
AgentThe name of the agent that sent the message (null if inbound)Daphne

002_Agent Performance_channel
Agent performance for messages sent by channel

Org Id
The ID of the organisation the conversation belongs to128
Org Name
The name of the organisation that the report is   returning data for
User name of agent
Outbound Messages by AgentThe number of messages that have been sent outbound by the user.110
SMS SentThe number of SMS messages sent 
WhatsApp Sent
The number of WhatsApp messages sent
Messenger Sent
The number of Messenger messages sent
Viber Sent
The number of Viber messages sent0
Webchat SentThe number of Webchat messages sent25
Typeform SentThe number of Typeforms sent2

002_Agent Performance_conversations
Agent performance for messaging activity and response time

Org Id
The ID of the organisation the conversation belongs to128
 Org Name The name of the organisation that the report is   returning data forInternalUsers
 Agent User name of agentDelia
Conversations Actioned
The number of conversations that this user took at least one action on, this can be sending a message, or completing an action such as setting a status, transferring to a bot or moving a queue.72
Actions Taken
The total number of actions taken across all conversations, this can include sending a message, setting a status, transferring to a bot or moving a queue.
Conversations ClosedThe number of conversations the user has closed
Outbound Messages by Agent
The number of messages that have been sent outbound by a user.  Automated messages sent by a bot are not included.   
Total Inbound
The total messages received inbound while the user was assigned to the conversation. 
AVG Response Time (in mins)The time on average that users take to reply to an inbound message in minutes.20
MIN Response Time (in mins)The fastest time a user took to reply to an inbound message in minutes.2
MAX Response Time (in mins)The longest time a user took to reply to an inbound message in minutes.
AVG Agent AnswersThe average number of messages sent to a conversation3
AVG Incoming AnswersThe average number of messages received to a conversation.4

002_First Agent to Respond_conversation
The first agent that responded to a conversation

Conversation Id
Unique identifier for conversation within Webio128
Customer IdUser provided field, type set to Customer ID within ImportInternalUsers
First Agent to RespondName of user that sent the first manual response.Daphne
First Agent Outbound Date
The date which the first agent responded in the format yyyy-mm-dd2021-12-13
First Agent Outbound TimestampThe date and time which the first agent responded in the format yy-mm-d h:mm AM/PM12/13/21 9:32 AM

002_Login Activity
Login activity and reason of logout
Time in local time

Account Id
The userid linked to this user
Account NameThe name of the userDaphne
The date of the login in the format yyy-mm-dd
Login Timestamp
The date and time of the login in the format dd/m/yy hh:mm
12/8/21 8:51 AM
Logout Timestamp
The date and time of the logout in the format dd/m/yy hh:mm
12/8/21 10:16 AM
Session Duration
How long the session lasted in the format hh:mm:ss
Session StatusThe current session status. This will be logged out for users that manually logged out, expired for users that were inactive for the maximum set period and were automatically logged out, or logged in for users that haven’t ended their session yet. logged out

003_Campaign Summary Inbound_schedule
Summary of inbound campaigns run over a period of time, per schedule.
Message counts are applied to the date the conversation was created, not the date of the message action (e.g. a message sent on the 15th for a conversation created on the 12th, 
would be counted against the 12th)
Time in local time

Campaign IdUnique ID for this campaign3245
Campaign NameName of campaign as set by the userWebio Campaign
Schedule IdUnique ID for this schedule1002345
Schedule NameName of the scheduleWebio Schedule
Created TimeThe time that the schedule was created. A schedule is created for inbound campaigns when a campaign is created or updated10/10/21 04:13 PM
First MessageThe first message received for conversations created on the date listed15/11/21 08:36 AM
Last MessageThe last message received for conversations created on the date listed for the First Message. As conversations can span multiple days this may be a different date to the First Message date18/11/21 07:32 PM
New Conversations
Count of new conversations created on the date shown in First Message
Inbound Messages
Total number of inbound messages received for conversations created on date shown in First Message
Outbound Messages
Total number of outbound messages for conversations created on date shown in First Message
Total number of messages delivered for conversations created on date shown in First Message
Total number of messages that have failed to deliver for conversations created on date shown in First Message
No Delivery Receipt
Total number of messages for which no delivery update has been received for conversations created on date shown in First Message
Delivery Rate
Number of delivered / number of sent messages for conversations created on date shown in First Message

003_Campaign Summary Inbound_schedule
This report will have one line per campaign regardless of the date range selected.

Campaign IdUnique ID for this campaign4668
Campaign Name
Name of campaign as set by the user
SMS Test
SentTotal number of messages sent for this campaign during the selected date range6643
Total number of messages delivered
Total number of messages that failed to deliver
No Delivery Receipt
Total number of messages for which no delivery update has been received
Total number of messages that received at least one response
Unique Outbound Convos
Count of conversations that had at least one outbound as part of this campaign for the selected date range
Unique Inbound Convos
 Count of conversations that received at least one inbound as part of this campaign for the selected date range
Delivery Rate
The number delivered / the number sent
Failure Rate
The number that failed / the number sent
No Delivery Receipt Rate
 The number that haven't received a delivery receipt / the number sent

003_Campaign Summary_schedule
Summary of the campaign activity per schedule.  
Outbound campaigns have a new schedule created each time data is uploaded to them.
Inbound campaigns have a new schedule created each time the campaign is updated.
Only schedules created within the date range selected will appear.
Time in local time

Campaign IdUnique ID for this campaign4668
Campaign NameName of campaign as set by the userCollections Early
Schedule Id
Unique ID for this schedule
Schedule Name
Name of the schedule
Collections Early-2021-12-21
Upload Time
The date and time that the data was uploaded to the   campaign.  For inbound campaigns this will be the time the campaign was updated.
12/15/21 7:59 AM
First Message
The date and time that the first message was sent/received on this campaign.
12/15/21 8:15 AM
Scheduled End Time
The date and time that the campaign was scheduled   to end.  This field is not relevant for inbound   campaigns.
12/15/21 4:45 PM
The number of contacts imported.
The total number of  messages sent
DeliveredTotal number of messages delivered.1181
Delivery Rate
The total delivered / the total   sent
FailedTotal number of messages that failed to deliver.324
No Delivery ReceiptTotal number of messages for which no delivery update has been received13
Customers EngagedTotal number of messages that received at least one response236
Engagement RateCount of conversations that received at least one outbound as part of this campaign for the selected date range.0.20

003_Open Active Conversations_campaign
Open active conversations per campaign and whether they are answered

Org IdUnique ID for the organisation.128
Campaign IdUnique ID for the campaign4001
Campaign NameName of the campaign as set by the userSales Demo
Campaign typeEither Outbound (the first message is sent by Webio) or Inbound (the first message is sent to Webio)outbound
Open Active ConvosThe number of conversations currently open that had activity during the specified date range110
Open Convos With InboundThe number of conversations currently open that had at least 1 inbound message98
Open Unanswered ConvosThe number of conversations currently open that had at least 1 inbound message and the last message received was inbound13
Open Answered ConvosThe number of conversations currently open that had at least 1 inbound message and the last message was outbound85

004_New Conversations_queue
Activity and state of the new conversations created within the selected date range. 

DateDate for this activity2021-12-20
Queue IdUnique ID for this queue212
Queue NameThe name of the queue the conversation is in currentlyReception
New ConversationsThe count of new conversations that were created on the date selected and are currently in this queue94
Inbound MessagesThe count of inbound messages received to the New Conversations
Outbound MessagesThe count of outbound messages sent to the New Conversations430
DeliveredThe number of the Outbound Messages that delivered429
The number of Outbound Messages that failed to deliver
No Delivery  Receipt
The number of Outbound Messages that have no delivery receipt received from the channel provider
 Currently Open
 The New Conversations that are currently open
 Currently Closed
 The New Conversations that are currently closed

004_Open Active Conversations_queue
Open active conversations per queue and whether they are answered. 
This report is based on the date of the communication action (i.e. when something happened).

Org IdUnique ID for this organisation128
Queue IdUnique ID for this queue212
Queue NameThe name of the queue the conversation is in currentlyReception
Open Active ConvosThe count of open conversations that are in the queue and have had an action in the date range specified51
Open Convos with InboundThe count of open conversations that are in the queue and have received at least one inbound49
Open Unanswered ConvosThe count of open conversations that are in the queue where the last message was inbound.  This message could have been received outside of the date range input.20
Open Answered ConvosThe count of open conversations that are in the queue where the last message was outbound.  This message could have been sent outside of the date range input.29

005_Closed Conversation_Duration
Duration in minutes of conversations closed and mode within the selected date range
Time in UTC

Org ID
The unique ID for this organisation53
Conversation IDThe unique ID for this conversation12345678aBc
Customer Channel ID
The phone number or channel ID that has been used to
contact the customer
Customer IDThe reference number that has been set as the customer ID9876543
Date CreatedThe date and time the conversation was created05/04/22 07:46 
Date ClosedThe date and time the conversation was closed07/04/22 12:06
Duration in minsThe duration of the conversation in minutes192
Inbound MessagesThe number of messages received15
Agent MessagesThe number of messages sent by an agent5
Bot Messages
The number of messages sent by a bot
Automation Moves
The number of automation moves, such as 'Move to Queue'

005_Conversation Conclusion
The status of the conversations that were closed during the date range
Time in UTC

Conversation Id
 The unique ID for this conversation
Customer IdThe reference number that has been set as the customer ID9876543A
Customer Number
 The phone number or channel ID that has been used to
contact the customer
AgentThe name of the Webio user that closed the conversationWebio Agent
Status IdThe unique ID of the status32
StatusThe label of the status currently assigned to the conversationPayment
Date The date the conversation was closed 18/12/2021
Timestamp The date and time the conversation was closed12/18/21 3:07 PM

Unique conversations per campaign and status

 Campaign Id The unique ID for this campaign 12345
Campaign NameName of the campaign as set by the user.Collections Late
Status IdThe unique ID of the status32
Status NameThe label of the status currently assigned to the conversationPayment
Conversations The number of conversations with this status currently set. 220

005_Data Export for Closed Conversations_message
Data export of conversations closed within the selected date range
Time in local time

Organisation that user belonged to
Sent By
Username of user that completed the action
Current status of conversation
Channel or if no channel then description of event 
Action Taken
Where applicable channelid that message was sent to such as a customer phone number
Date Sent
Date and time sent
11/04/2019 11:23:22
Whether last message was inbound or outbound
Action taken or content of message
Set conversation state to closed
Convo Id
Unique conversation id
Customer Id
Customer id as set at import

005_Unanswered Conversations
Unanswered conversations and last inbound time. 
The date range you select for this report is based on the date the conversation was created.
Time in UTC

Conversation Id
Unique identifier for conversation within Webio123456
QueueThe name of the queue the conversation is in currently (conversations in the default queue are excluded).
Webio reception
Channel ID (phone number) the message was received from
Whether the conversation is currently open or in error
Last Inbound TimeDate and time that the last inbound was received
10/12/21 18:23
Day timer
Days since the Last Inbound Time if this is equal to or greater than 1 day, if current day this will be Null
Hours since the Last Inbound Time, if this is less than 1 day, if greater than or equal to 1 day this will be Null00:25:34

006_Opt Out
Customers that replied 'stop'
Time in UTC

Org Id
 Unique ID for this organisation
Phone number that Stop received from or that was entered manually into organisation blocklist
Channel type that message received from, this will be null for those manually added.
Opt Out Date
Date opt out received
Opt Out Timestamp
Date and time opt out received in format mm/dd/yy hh:mm
12/01/21 10:20 AM

007_Communication Mode_conversation
The activity per communication mode for customer engaged conversations by schedule 
Time in UTC

Org Id Unique ID for this organisation 128
Name of the campaign as set by the user.Collections
Name of the scheduleCollections_2022-05-12
Conversation ID
 The unique identifier for this conversation
PhoneThe channel id the conversation was sent to44712345678
Customer ID
The customer ID stored against this conversation (if applicable)WE123
Date Created
Time and date the conversation started
12/05/22 10:20 AM
Last Message
 Time and date of the most recent message for this conversation
13/05/22 09:15 AM
Inbound Message
 Total of inbound messages for this conversation
 Agent Message
 Total of agent messages for this conversation
 Bot Message
 Total of bot messages for this conversation
 Automation Move
 Total of automation moves for this conversation
Current State
 The latest status set against the conversation

007_Conversation Status Journey
The statuses set to customer engaged conversations per schedule that started within the selected date range
Time in UTC

Org Id Unique ID for this organisation 128
Name of the campaign as set by the user.Collections
Name of the scheduleCollections_2022-05-12
Conversation IDThe unique identifier for this conversation273rZWD3EEr9TZGaUsiphGHXHXi
Date Status Set
The date and time the status was set against the conversation3/9/22 10:16 AM
Status Progress
Description of the action taken
Set conversation status to: Payment Made
Current State
 Whether a conversation is Open, Closed or in ErrorOpen

007_Engaged Conversations_schedule
Number of customer engaged conversations for each communication mode per schedule
Time in UTC

Org Id Unique ID for this organisation 128
Name of the campaign as set by the user.Collections
Name of the scheduleCollections_2022-05-12
Customer Engaged ConversationsThe total amount of conversations that have received at least 1 inbound message200
Agent Engaged Conversations
Of the customer engaged conversations the amount that received at least 1 Agent outbound message20
Bot Engaged Conversations
Of the customer engaged conversations the amount that received at least 1 Bot outbound message.
 Automation MovesOf the customer engaged conversations the amount that had at least 1 automation move5

008_Organizational Activity_channel
Messaging activity by channel and the org that originated the conversation

 Unique ID for this organisation
Date the message was sent
SMS InQty of SMS received280
Qty of SMS sent 
Units Sent
Total number of SMS units sent
WhatsApp In
Qty of WhatsApp received
WhatsApp Out
Qty of WhatsApp sent78
 Messenger In
 Qty of Messenger received
Messenger Out
Qty of messenger sent
Viber In
 Qty of Viber received
Viber Out
 Qty of Viber sent
Webchat In
 Qty of Webchat received
Webchat Out
 Qty of Webchat sent
Typeform Answers
 Typeform questions answered
Typeform Out
 Typeform links sent

009 - Organizational Activity By Month
Show messaging activity or organization and its sub orgs , broken down by Month

Month of Year displayed as number
Organisation report is for
Qty of SMS sent 
Units Sent
Total number of SMS units sent
Qty of SMS received
Messenger In
Qty of messenger received
Messenger Out
Qty of messenger sent
Total number of messages sent

009_Conversations Answered_day_hour
Conversations answered per day of the week and hour of the day
Time in local time

Date the message was sent2021-12-18
Day of WeekDay the message was sentMonday
Hour of Day
Hour of the day the message was sent09-10
Conversations Answered
The number of conversations that received at least one inbound10

011_Failed Communications_campaign
Summary of failure reasons per messages per campaign

Campaign ID
 Unique ID for the campaign
Campaign Name
Name of the campaign as set by the userEarly collections
Invalid Number
The number doesn't exist, the handset doesn't support SMS, the number is inactive or expired25
The handset isn't connecting to the network, it may be turned off or out of range.  Can also be caused by other issues e.g. length, invalid request protocol etc.21
Network Error
The network responded with an error3
The message could not be delivered as there was not enough memory on the handset or another SMS was being received at the same time.0
The message expired before it reached the handset.1
Invalid Message Structure
 The message requires values that aren't available.  These will be the values set in either #fieldname# or <<fieldname>> within the content of the message or the Channel ID to send to. 
Invalid Contact Structure
The contact is not in the expected format
The message was not able to send before the campaign end time.  This is typically caused by the rate per minute being too low for the available send window.
Blocklisted & Profanity
 The message has been blocked from sending either due to the phone number being on the blocklist of your organisation, or the message containing a word that has been flagged by our profanity filter. 
 The request was rejected 
 The message was prevented due to the channel id (phone number) already being processed in this schedule that is part of a campaign that has deduplicate switched on. 
 Total number of failed messages

011_Failed Communications_day
Summary of failure reasons of messages per day
Time in UTC

DateThe date the message failed 2021-12-16
Invalid Number
The number doesn't exist, the handset doesn't support SMS, the number is inactive or expired25
The handset isn't connecting to the network, it may be turned off or out of range.  Can also be caused by other issues e.g. length, invalid request protocol etc.21
Network Error
The network responded with an error3
The message could not be delivered as there was not enough memory on the handset or another SMS was being received at the same time.0
The message expired before it reached the handset.1
Invalid Message Structure The message requires values that aren't available.  These will be the values set in either #fieldname# or <<fieldname>> within the content of the message or the Channel ID to send to.  0 
Invalid Contact StructureThe contact is not in the expected format 0
OverrunThe message was not able to send before the campaign end time.  This is typically caused by the rate per minute being too low for the available send window. 5
Blocklisted & Profanity The message has been blocked from sending either due to the phone number being on the blocklist of your organisation, or the message containing a word that has been flagged by our profanity filter.  2
Rejected The request was rejected  0
Duplicate The message was prevented due to the channel id (phone number) already being processed in this schedule that is part of a campaign that has deduplicate switched on.  0
Total Total number of failed messages 57

011_Failed Communications_schedule
Summary of failure reasons of messages per schedule

Schedule Id Unique ID for the schedule12345567
Schedule Name
Name of the schedulePre due collections_2021-12-14
Invalid Number
The number doesn't exist, the handset doesn't support SMS, the number is inactive or expired25
The handset isn't connecting to the network, it may be turned off or out of range.  Can also be caused by other issues e.g. length, invalid request protocol etc.21
Network Error
The network responded with an error3
The message could not be delivered as there was not enough memory on the handset or another SMS was being received at the same time.0
The message expired before it reached the handset.1
Invalid Message Structure The message requires values that aren't available.  These will be the values set in either #fieldname# or <<fieldname>> within the content of the message or the Channel ID to send to.  0 
Invalid Contact StructureThe contact is not in the expected format 0
OverrunThe message was not able to send before the campaign end time.  This is typically caused by the rate per minute being too low for the available send window. 5
 Blocklisted & Profanity The message has been blocked from sending either due to the phone number being on the blocklist of your organisation, or the message containing a word that has been flagged by our profanity filter.  2
 Rejected The request was rejected  0
 Duplicate The message was prevented due to the channel id (phone number) already being processed in this schedule that is part of a campaign that has deduplicate switched on.  0
 Total Total number of failed messages 57

011_Failed Communications_message
Data export: Failed messages and reason of failure
Time in UTC

DateThe date the message failed 2021-12-16
The date and time the message failed12/16/21 11:47 AM
Schedule Name
Name of the schedulePost Active_2021-12-16
Conversation Id
Unique identifier for conversation within Webio123456
Customer Id
User provided field, type set to Customer ID within Import or gathered as Customer ID within conversationWEB1234
Message Id
Unique identifier for message within Webio12342445345
ChannelID (phone number) that the message was sent to.447717472695
Failure reasonThe reason the message failedOverrun 

Show messaging activity or organization and its sub orgs , broken down by Month
For activity from within Ireland

Month of Year displayed as number
Organisation report is for
Qty of SMS sent 
Units Sent
Total number of SMS units sent
Qty of SMS received
Messenger In
Qty of messenger received
Messenger Out
Qty of messenger sent
Total number of messages sent

Summary of campaigns run over a period of time

sentTypeformsAmount of Typeform links sent32
receivedTypeformsAmount of Typeform responses received27

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