Taking over a Bot conversation

Taking over a Bot conversation

Quick Trick: Click into the conversation, click intervene.
Check here how to perform this operation on our new Web App.

When a conversation is being managed by a bot, users are not able to reply.  There are times however when you know best and want to be in control of the conversation.  Webio now allows you to decide to manually Intervene in any conversation and take over from the Bot.

If you want to cancel a bot conversation to enable users to reply, you can do so by following the steps below.

Step 1 

Click into the conversation you wish to take over.

Screen showing conversation being managed by Bot

Step 2

Click Intervene.  The Bot will then be cancelled and users will be able to send messages.  Please note this cannot be undone.

This may take a few seconds so you're going to need a little bit of patience. 

Conversation after Bot cancelled

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