Wait Until Condition

Wait Until Condition


Automate your follow-up strategy with Webio's re-engager feature. If a response is not received within the set time, Wait Until Condition allows you to configure a different path for your Bot.  

You can, for example, send a follow-up message and try to re-engage the conversation or you can, for example, assign the conversation a status or move it to a different Queue than the current one.

Wait Until can be used on any Listening step within your bot.  If a response isn't received within the time you set, then the Bot will progress to the alternative route you have configured.   
Wait until works within a bot, so once a conversation is passed across to a human agent, the conditions no longer apply.
This documentation describe the Wait Until configuration process on our new Web App. If you are looking for the Old User Interface documentation please visit this link

How to configure Wait Until

Step 1

When you create a new bot or are editing an existing one, while you are on the bot construction screen (The Wait Until step appears as soon as the first step of the Bot is created) find the Wait Until step and click on ADD CONDITION.

Step 2

  1. Setup your condition by selecting Time Since Last (unanswered) Outbound.  This is where the timer will start to count from, the time the last message was sent.
  2. Select whether you want the time to be Minutes, Hours or Days.
  3. Enter how much time you want to wait for in the Time Value as a number.  This will be per the measure you set above, for example if you put 1 here this will either be 1 Minute, 1 Hour or 1 Day.

  1. Select (On the Wait Until Step) to which Step you want to apply the Wait Until condition. 

  1. Configure the path that the Bot should take if the condition on the Wait Until Step is met.

  1. Hit SAVE
You can add as many Wait Until Step as you want, click ADD CONDITION to add a new one, then repeat the process above for each new condition you want to configure. Don't forget to save when you're done.


In the example below, if the customer doesn't respond to Step 1 for more than 24 hours, the bot will apply Wait Until and attempt to re-engage the conversation by sending the Step 2 message. The bot will then wait another 24 hours after which a Wait Until is also applied to step 2 and, if the customer does not respond for 24 hrs, this time the conversation will simply move to a dedicated queue.


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