Daily Data Export Report - Receive It Your Way

Daily Data Export Report - Receive It Your Way

You can now retrieve your Daily Data Export via the API, have it delivered to Webio's SFTP for you to retrieve or download it via the WebApp.  

The Daily Data Export is a daily export of all inbound and outbound messages from your Webio organisation.  For more details on the data included seeWebio Reporting

Reporting Download WebApp

If you have access to the Reporting tab, log into your Webio organisation.  Click reports, next to Daily Data Export select Run Report, choose your organisation and date range and click Run Report.  You will now be able to add filters to the report and export this in your desired format as required. 

API Call

Before calling the Daily Data Export API, if you haven't already done so, you will need to generate your organisation's API key.  Once generated use the Daily Data API call to request the export as you require it.  Please note the export is limited to one day's worth of data. 

Use the getDailyDataExport API, you will need your API key, your Organisation id and the date you want to retrieve information for.  

SFTP Hooks
SFTPHooks enable users to utilise the benefits of API connectivity from the Webio SFTP endpoint. 

You will need to configure your Webio SFTP and generate your organisation's API key if you haven't already done so.  If you already have an API key generated for your organisation, then jump to step 1 below.

SFTP hooks can only be used for post requests.

sftp.webio.com - this is where you save your API key file and retrieve your files from 
sftphook.webio.com - this is the URL you enter into your organisation screen webhook setup as the URL

Step 1

Save your API key as a text file called apikey.txt and transfer this to your sftp.webio.com folder. 

It may take c. 10 minutes for the key to be processed. 

If you need to update your key, place a new file there and that will replace the old key.

Step 2

Send a request to support@webio.com to put live your report delivery. 

You will need to confirm:

the organisation you want the report ran against;
the time of day the report should run;
whether this should be a JSON or a CSV file.

Step 3 

You will receive confirmation from support that your report delivery has been configured. 

Login to your SFTP folder to check the report is there and to retrieve and delete old files. 

Files not retrieved within 7 days may be deleted. 

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