Logical Branching

Logical Branching


Logical Branching Steps allow you to configure a route through a Bot based on the time of day, the day of the week, the number of agents logged in or customer inputs.

Additionally using Logical Branching Steps, you can compare customer's gathered values against your spreadsheet or internal system to perform ID&V processes, enhancing your Bots ability to manage business flows.

How To Configure A Logical Branch Step

While you are on the Bot Builder screen, from the Action block, drag a drop a Logic Step on the building flow, then click ADD LOGIC
This will enable, on the Logical Branch card, the Drag&Drop Logic box. 

You can now select, from the Logic block, the type of desired logic (E.G. Match ) and drop it on box on the card.

Configure the logic condition and repeat the process if you want to add additional logics.

Once the step is configured, don't forget to save it.

The step is now ready to be integrated in the rest of the conversation flow.

You will have to configure the routes for the conditions you have created, in case they are satisfied, and also configure a default path your Bot will take, in case the conditions you have set up are not met.

Once your Step and your Bot is ready don't forget to hit CREATE BOT (Or UPDATE BOT if you are editing an existing one) at the top right corner of the screen.
In the example below, thanks to Listening Step 1, I'm gathering a value from the customer. The value is then passed through Logical Branch Step 2, where the "Match" logic checks if the customer values matches any of the manual inputs I have configured. 

If customer returns:
  1. "Chat", "CHAT" or "chat" the Bot will progress to Step 3
  2. "Pay", "PAY" or "pay" the Bot will progress to  Step 4
  3. None of the above, the Bot will progress to Step 5 

Types of Logics

The available logics are: 


The "Match" logic checks that the field you select in the Logical Branch matches/does not matches any of your manual inputs below.

You can, for instance, gather a value through a Listening Step and then check, in the Logical Branch, if it matches any of your manual inputs. 

(Type in there what you expect to receive from the customer, that is then compared with what you have selected in FIELD. You can add multiple inputs, make sure to press your keyboard ENTER key when you add a new one). 


Add a date comparison to your Bot to check if the date provided falls in an acceptable range. Learn more here

Not Blank


Equal Logic gives your Bot the ability to select the fieldname you want to compare, and check if it is:
  1. Equal or Not Equal To A Numerical Value

    1. It checks if a customer returned value is equal or not equal to the numerical value you insert in the VALUE field.
  1. Equal or Not Equal To Another #Fieldname#

    1. You can use the equal or not equal logic to check if a customer gathered value is equal or not to another value stored against the contact in your Campaign File or internal system. (Useful for ID&V Processes)
Gather a date of birth through an Entity gathering step, then thanks to Logical Branch, compare the field where you saved customer response (E.G. Reference) with the one you have on your spreadsheet (E.G. DOB)  
When performing these kind of comparisons, in the Value field, include # at the start and the end of the fieldname you want to branch on. E.G. #DOB# 

  1. Less or Greater Than A numerical value 

    1. It checks if a customer returned value is less or greater than the numerical value you insert in the VALUE field.

Equal - Branching To System Values.

When using Equal, you can also branch to system values such as: 
  1. Current Day
  1. Current Hrs 

  1. Active Agent
    1. Route your conversation based on how many agent are active on the queue. Logical Branch - Active Agents (webio.com)
  1. Time Since Unanswered
    1. Please refer to Wait Until Condition if you want to configure a re-engager step.
  2. Payment Type

Multiple True Conditions 

When, on the same Step, multiple conditions are true, the Bot will follow the first condition that is true, going from the top to the bottom of the card.

In the example below if customer returns in response to Entity Gathering Step 2 E.G. "250", Step 3 will compare the value with the conditions we have set up, in that case, both 1st and 2nd conditions will be true but the Bot will proceed to step 4.  

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