To access the Organizations screen, from the navigation panel on the left-hand side, click on Settings, then Organizations; From here you can control your organization's settings and all your sub orgs.
When you create a new organization or log in to an existing organization, you can configure the unit hierarchy to control access to conversations and manage the workload across your entire team as you wish.
Security and role profiles are configurable at the organization level and inherit their default settings from the direct parent unit, however the inherited settings can be changed to suit your needs.
As a user of an organization, you can see the activity of all sub-organizations, but you can't see other units at the same level or those above in the hierarchy. Configure your units to suit your business or process needs.
How to create a new Organization

Before performing this action, make sure your account has the right permissions. If you're having trouble, talk to your administrator or get in touch with
support@webio.comTo create a new organization, log in to Webio, navigate to Settings, and then click Organizations.

The first Unit displayed at the top of your screen is the Organization you are logged in. When a new sub Organization is created, it inherits certain settings from its Parent organisation:
- Time-zone
- Account Login Attempts
- Account Session Timeout
- User Roles

to access the configuration setting of the new organization.

When configuring an organization's settings, you can use the Organization Tree panel, on the right side of the screen, to check at what level you are creating the new organization.
General Organization settings
On the General Settings screen, you can configure the general settings of the organizational unit.
- Name of the Organization.
- Organization country language.
- Parent Organization. (This will have complete control on the newly created one. If you are modifying the settings of your main org you may not see this field)
- Organization time-zone.
- Users login attempts: Configure how many times the an User can attempt to login with wrong credentials before having their account suspended.
- User's session timeout: Choose how long an User can stay idle before being logged out automatically from the Web App.
Once your configuration is ready, do not forget to save.

Learn more here:
User Roles
From the General Settings screen, you can also configure your organization's user roles. When a new Webio user is created, you will need to assign a role to the user, selecting it from the existing ones for the parent organization. Selecting the role will determine which app screen, the new user can access.
From here, you can configure new roles or modify existing ones. Note that when you create a new Org, user roles are inherited directly from the parent Org.
Check the following article, if you want to learn more about user role. (532) WebioFeatures
When on the general setting screem you can also enable/disable certain channels and additional features.
Please check the following article if you want to learn more (246) WebioChannels
From the General Settings screen, you can configure your organization's sender IDs. Sender IDs are set within each bot by the IDs available to the organization, and the bot will use them to send and receive messages.
When you create new organizations or edit an existing one, you can configure the Sender ID from here.
To add a new Sender ID to your Org:
Click 'ADD NEW'
- Select the sender ID you wish to add for your organization. Speak to your administrator or contact support@webio.com if you have no Sender IDs in the Channel Address field.
- Fill in the description.
- Click 'SUBMIT'
Check the following article to learn more about Organization Sender IDs
(246) WebioOrganization integrations
Webio enables you to integrate third parties services into your Organization to super charge your bots. All integrations can be configured through the Organizations screen of your Webio account.

Please note that if you do not require any integration for your Organization, you can simply ignore the documentation below.
From the Organization Integrations section you can Add, Edit or Delete Third Party Services.
To add a new service: Click 'Add', select the service you want to integrate, fill in the description then hit 'Create'.
Your new integration will be added to the Organization Integration List. From there you can Edit or Delete existing integrations.
From the Organizations integrations screen is also possible to configure new payment gateways and manage the existing ones. Once a new payment gateway is added, you can then configure a Payment Step (That uses any of the gateways you have configured in there) for your Bot to start accepting payments.

To add a new gateway, click on 'Add Gateway', select the one you wish to add. If the one you want isn't there let us know and we'll add it to the "to-add" list. Enter in the requested information from your payment PSP (Payment Service Provider), then Click 'Create'. You new gateway should have been now added to the Organization Gateway list. You can now configure a
Payment Step for your Bot and start accepting payment.

Get in touch with
support@webio.com if you want to learn more about new PSP integrations.
Webio enables your organization to use SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol). Thanks to this added layer of security your Organization can use SSH encryption to transfer files between systems securely.
Generate a public API
When using Webio published APIs you can automate instructions from your internal systems to your Webio Organization.

Using Webio's webhook you can configure your system endpoints within your Webio Organization to post or retrieve data.

here how to configure your Organization Webhook or get in touch with
support@webio.com to learn more.
Organization other settings

Sorry this section is 'Work In Progress'. Please get in touch with
support@webio.com if you require new WhatsApp templates.
Webio Blocklist contains phone numbers or other channel identifiers that have replied Stop as well as those you have manually added to the blocklist from the organisation screen. When a Stop response is received from a number, this number is automatically added to your blocklist as a permanent block against your Webio organisation.
Please check the following link if you want to learn more about Webio Blocklist. Smart Phrases
From this screen you can configure new smart phrases, search, edit and delete existing ones.
Smart phrases feature allows you to configure pre-made sentences that you can easily include in the conversations happening with the customer from Webio's conversations screen.

Please check the following
link if you want to learn more about Smart Phrases.
How to make changes to an existing organizational unit
To edit the setting of an existing Organizational unit:
- Navigate to Settings, then Organizations.
- Select 'Edit' next to the Organization you want to modify, make the changes then save.
How to delete an Organization